It's never been about the Fame, The money or even what I can do for me. Providing you only the best in quality and the best products in value over the competition in price for your moneys worth.

As a Veteran of the United States Army I can comfort you as well ensure that I expect solely the best in Customer Service. 

My name Is Miguel Omar Sanchez and upon coming back from a Combat Deployment in the Middle East as well as a Death of a very close relative my eyes were awakened into the reality that I had to pursue my dreams. 

Along the way in the military met a soon to be Best-Friend (NASH) The Realest person you would ever know, My right hand man to all my companies, Yet also with the same mindset and aspirations. Some Dreams the world is yet to be ready for. 

We've watched people burn in Hell, some even chased it. Despite all odds WE kept pushing for a better life for the community, the people around us, the people who can barely get by but want better but most importantly our Family. 

If you are reading this it shouldn't even be questioned, we are Family,

For further Inquiries feel free to reach either of us in the contact page.

